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“King of Norland”, Romeo Oko, Reveals Success Secrets, Achievements Company Rewards Top Performers with Cars in Abuja

Fourteen investors who had performed creditably well according to the set criteria Saturday went home with brand new cars courtesy of the Norland industrial Company.
The Norland Industrial Group is a Chinese multi-level marketing company manufacturing and dealing in medical products such as supplements, detoxification and weight loss products, skin care and cosmetics. The products are reputed to be highly efficacious.
In a series of presentations at the occasion, speaker after speaker testified not only about how effective the medical products are but also how much their investment and involvement in the sales of the products had changed their financial and Social status.
Some of the speakers who are highly successful Norland investors include, Mrs Jemila Musa alias the Professional Talker, Mrs Uduakobong Henry, an ex banker, Mrs Been – Asi Emmanuel Ekanem. The most successful, most celebrated Norland performer in the entire African region Mr. Romeo Ode Oko was also present at the occasion in all his pomp and glory.
Mr. Romeo Oko who later spoke to gave a most lifting motivational speech when invited to speak. He is currently the only Yellow Diamond holder in the entire African region who has qualified over the space of three years for about 15 cars, raised over 600 car qualifiers and several other top notchers in the scheme. The Norland family literally bows and trembles at his feet.
In his words,” yes I am still that same Romeo who was just a poor recharge cards seller three years ago”.
“You know we were told to go to school, get a good grade and get a job but when we graduated from school there was no job, we were looking for greener pastures and now got the opportunity called network marketing.
“But the most interesting thing is while I was in school studying marine engineering, I also was reading books like “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki, “Become A Better You” by Joel Osteen and so I had a different mindset, different perspective towards life, and the jobs out there wasn’t really the in- thing for me.
“In my search for greener pastures and a better life style, I came across network marketing.
He was asked how he rose from nobody to somebody within such a short time and he readily responded, explaining the dues he had to pay.
“My journey in the past 3 years has not been rosy; it’s been challenging. It has been a lot of hard work, a lot of commitment. It has been a lot of sacrifices that I have made to get to where I am today.In 2018 when I got in contact with Norland I can barely count 30 days or 1 month that I slept in my house for the whole year. I think Norland, I talk Norland, breathe Norland, I inhale Norland, wake up with Norland, go to bed with Norland and rise up with Norland.
“Today, even in spite of the recession that we are experiencing as a nation, I earn 7 figures in dollars. In this company, I earn 7 figures in dollars in this company. In 3 years I have been able to qualify for over 15 luxury cars. I have been able to acquire properties in Nigeria and even outside the shores of this country because I said yes to this opportunity and I worked towards it.
“I have been able to raise men and women today that are living in their own mansions. I have been able to raise about 600 people in Nigeria today that are driving brand new cars.
“Today I am financially free, I am financially independent without government, without my parents (though my parents gave me the right foundation) which is education. I have been able to affect lives. Today, I am also a philanthropist; I have a foundation which takes care of the less privileged

He challenged guests and prospects alike to follow up on their life desires by using the Norland Investment vehicle assuring that their desires are easily achievable with a mixture of self confidence, sacrifice and hardwork.
The fourteen awardees include Hauwa Kure,Cosmas Nwachukwu, Emmanuel Belonwu, Ifeanyi Oba Emeka amongst others.
Also present and visibly involved in the organisation of the event was the Norland Industrial Group’s Country Manager and Vice – President (Africa), Mr. Kenny Cheng.


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